2018 Year in Review


I believe how these types of posts go is to begin with a lot of gratitude, throw out some stats (and cheers), add in a few things learned, and wrap up with a couple of goals and predictions for the next year. Without further ado, let’s begin!

The life of a writer can often be viewed as solitary endeavor, but as I begin to explore this craft more and more, I’ve realized that I’m really not making this journey alone.  There’s family, friends, fellow writers, readers, editors, even whole journal collectives that have touched and/or supported me and my work. 

A big THANK-YOU goes out to you to all for an amazing year! 

2018 can be condensed into the following numbers:

  • 3 short stories published

  • 9 poems published

  • 80 rejections earned (they aren’t bad, they just sting a little)

The best learning that came out of these past 365 days is that there’s more to being a writer than creating work and getting published.  There are so many other fun things and firsts to look forward to.  This year, I gave my first interview, had the very first review of my work (thankfully favorable), received my second Pushcart Prize nomination, and got to attend and be wonderfully inspired by An Evening with Neil Gaiman.

So, what’s next for 2019?  The plan seems simple, but I’m not sure it will be. 

  1. Finish more things

  2. Send them out into the world

  3. See what happens

Won’t you join me?

Jenny Wongnews