An Interview with Speaking of Marvels

I kind of feel like I’m doing an unintentional mini-press circuit for my new chapbook “Shiftings & Other Coordinates of Disorder”. First, I had a launch party, and now, here is the first of two interviews.

Speaking of Marvels is an online interview series hosted and posted by the very kind William Woolfitt (thank you!!!). What I loved about this type of interview was there was a pool of questions that I could pick from which allowed me to tailor what I wanted to share and highlight about myself and the chapbook.

Above all, this series is a wonderful way to support and boost writers from all around the world.

In this interview, I talk about the oldest poem(s) in the collection, the “misfit” poem, and what I think the soundtrack to my chapbook might be.

To find out these answers and more, click here: Speaking of Marvels: An Interview with Jenny Wong

Jenny Wongbook, interviews, news