Best of the Net Anthology Nominations 2021

Time to take a bit of a rest and celebrate with a little mango coconut gelato!

This will be the last post of the year, and I feel like it is a perfect summary of how the writing journey never ceases to surprise me and remind me that there are always more firsts to discover.

This post was supposed to be about my very first Best of Net Anthology nomination, but has since morphed into my first three Best of the Net Anthology nominations:

1 . Savant-Garde nominated a story that has spent years trying to find a home: “The Storm Ferries”. Check out their epic nominee announcement film.

2. Splonk nominated a little piece (and one of my personal favorites) “What Really Happens When I Sit Alone at Parties”.

3. Parentheses Journal nominated my first collaboration poem “Lexicon of Lost Words by Daughters” (co-written with my writing buddy Sylvia Santiago).

I continue to be astounded and grateful to the editors of the lit mag world who work tirelessly to lift up writers and help the work get seen. While the writing process is something that both challenges and brings me joy, I’m learning that finding wonderful homes for these pieces and readers that connect with the work is like the icing on the cake…or perhaps the coconut in my gelato. :)

Jenny Wongnews