Pushcart Prize & Best Small Fiction 2020 Nominations

There are days in this writing journey when, honestly, not much happens. I don’t put words on a page, I don’t hear back from submissions. Things are just…quiet. But then there are days, when wonderful and unexpected things pop up without warning.

My story ‘A Subtle Burn of Ginger’, published back in June 2020 in FlashFlood as part of National Flash Fiction Day UK, has been nominated for not one, but two awards: a Pushcart Prize and Best Small Fiction 2020. This is my third Pushcart nomination and my very first Best Small Fiction nomination.

Read the press release (with links to other nominees and their wonderful stories) here.

In addition, another story ‘Dandelion Skin’ was nominated for Best Small Fictions 2020 by the outstanding journal Lost Balloon. I’m absolutely thrilled and ever so grateful to the editors to be nominated for these awards.

The full list of nominees can be found here.


Jenny Wongnews