Open Corners

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Favorite Corners - Granada

We knew we would be captivated by the Alhambra, but were surprised to find ourselves being charmed by Granada as well.  We found little taverns and tea houses with secluded seats in the corners where we could sit and enjoy time as it passed, a nice change from Madrid's big city pace.  Granada's walkable size makes it perfect for lazy wanderers.  Downhill leads to the city centre, uphill leads to great views. Throw away the map and just get lost.

The Plaza Nueva and Plaza Santa Ana are side by side and give a nice feeling of wide open space after exploring the tight alleyways.

This guy was on the third floor of an apartment building and barked at every dog that walked by on the sidewalk below. 

While mostly a dog city, we did spot a few cats.

The Albaicin area and the entrance to our favorite Arabic alley.

On a trip as long as this, one of us was bound to get a tattoo in a shady back alley (Mom, it's temporary).

Our favorite taverna was right across from our hotel. 

Watching a fiery flamenco show. 

The big sight to see here is the Alhambra, but there are also some restored Moorish houses and Arab baths.

Steps away from the plazas, a slightly greener feel emerges.

The (free) park area around the Alhambra. 

Need more reasons to visit the Alhambra?  How about to see the stunning views of Granada!