Open Corners

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Favorite Corners - Kyoto

Out of all the places that we travelled to on our world trip last year, Japan was one of the countries that we wanted to return to again.  So, a little over a year later, we're back and ready to explore.  Our first stop was the old capital, Kyoto, which still glows with that old world feel.

Welcome to the Gion district where for $30, you can dress up and walk the town.  Sounds like a wonderful idea until you see (and hear) the wooden-soled shoes clip-clopping precariously on cobblestones.

Peek down the little alleyways.  Sometimes, a glimpse of a geisha can be caught.

Kyoto has these amazing little restaurants tucked into side streets and buildings.  The food is good, the atmosphere is even better, and it's usually cash-only.

The pedestrian streets are really crowded, especially around major tourists sights, but every once in a while, there are moments of peace.

Nijo Castle.  What better way to spend a rainy day than inside a castle. No shoes are allowed inside making it feel like you're visiting someone's home rather than a well-worn tourist spot.

We stumbled upon this massive and amazing cemetery on a path leading up to Kyomizu-dera.  

Adorable little construction barriers wearing little kimono rain coats.

It was so hot here, even these little guys needed some cooling!

Kyoto station.  Most people never make it past the first floor in their hustle and bustle to get to their next destination.  However, there are also 11 floors are department store shopping and a whole food floor dedicated to ramen.  That's only above ground.  Below ground, basement level B2 leads to even more food and shops.

Trains are a safe, quick, and efficient method of transportation here.  There are many different railway companies (JR lines being the most known among tourists), but an ICOCA pass allows access to all train lines, subways and buses.

The Philosopher's Walk stretches north to south from Ginkaku-ji down to Kyomizu-dera (although it's a little long to do in one stretch).  The stone paved path is lined with cherry trees and runs alongside a peaceful canal. Perfect for contemplating life, the universe, everything.

Dreaming of pleasant memories in Kyoto.