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Food Fridays - Munich

When in Munich, drink beer, eat meat.  Repeat.   

Beer.  Not only was it once considered its own food group in Munich, but it also helped save the city from invading Swedes, almost saved a burning opera house, and aided a church in need.

Sausages with sauerkraut and mustard, all washed down with a radler (half beer half carbonated lemonade). 

One little potato dumpling and one massive pork knuckle makes a balanced meal...right?

Behold, the Oktoberfest sample platter. 

Speckfleck, speck ham and lots of melted cheese on top of a thin slice of bread.  A "light" breakfast.  

For a change of pace, sausage and lentil stew.  A perfect lunch for a cold snowy Munich day.

The schmaltznudel.  If mini-doughnuts had a larger even more delicious German cousin, this would be it.