The Time Pirate Who Waits Ashore

My 100 word story “The Time Pirate Who Waits Ashore” was shortlisted for The Welkin Mini Prize!

The Welkin Mini has to be one of the more exciting contests I’ve entered (not that I’ve entered a lot). I made it to the longlist, then three days later, I found out I made it to the shortlist. Then, it was waiting and watching everyday to see how far my 100 words would go.

Every morning (because the contest was running out of the U.K.), I had a reason to get up early and check to see if my Time Pirate had survived another day.

She eventually broke the top 10 (out of 490 entries) before settling in 8th place:

Read “The Time Pirate Who Waits Ashore”.

For the original announcement and to see the titles of the 50 long listers and 20 short listers, please visit: