Guest Blogging for Mandira Pattnaik's Blog Site

Earlier this year, I was invited to do a guest blog post for another writer whom I greatly admire. It was such an honor to be asked and at first I was thrilled, and then I was quite nervous. In other words, imposter syndrome kicked in and it kicked in hard. What do I have to say to other writers (many who are way more skilled and accomplished than I) that they wouldn’t already know?

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Roi Fainéant Press - Octopus 8 Issue

This little micro fiction came from a photo I saw of two people sitting back to back with only their legs framed in the picture. Bits of imagery made it into story, but in the end, it was less about the legs (which was the original working title of this piece) and more about the separate journeys ahead.

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Kissing Dynamite, Issue 38

I grew up landlocked in the prairies, and continue to live nowhere near a coast. Still…I miss the sea. This poem was inspired by a sleepless night where, due to a combination of insomnia and jet lag, the waves outside my window kept me up, incessant, refusing to cease their roar until morning. So much for the idea of being lulled off to dreamland by the sound of peaceful waves.

Read Tonight, I Do Not Love the Sea (and Questions I Ask the Shore) in Kissing Dynamite’s banging Issue 38: Sublunary.

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