
My new poetry film “Across” is a quiet sea piece that I couldn’t bring myself to submit anywhere. So it sat and sat until I finally decided what to do with it.

It’s been over a year since I’ve started making short poetry films. Now, I look at finished poems in a different light. Before, the only avenue I had to get them out in the world was to submit them some place where I thought the theme and mood of the magazine would fit the piece. Or bury them in collections that might never see the light of day.

Now, I also consider if it’s something I want to hold onto and turn it into something else. Sometimes, there are images in my head that I feel need to go with these pieces. Sometimes, the poems are a bit more personal and I want more control on how they enter the world. At any rate, I am enjoying exploring this new medium and will definitely have more poetry films in the future.

Jenny Wongpoetry, film, publications