FEED - Issue 1.5

It’s so neat to see journals and magazines that do something a little bit different from the rest. Times are changing and nowadays people just want something quick to read through on their devices. FEED is a journal that purposely curates issues that fit into a scroll or two. Perfectly sized morsels for readers on the go It’s kind of ironic that the poems chosen were from my “must write something with a long long title” phase.

Read “Inhaling Smoking Particulate from Alberta Forest Fires” and “Drinking Tea During an Evening Thunderstorm that Forecasters Forgot to Predict” in FEED - Issue 1.5 (don’t forget to scroll down to find them).


Not all light falls cracked like this…

From “Drinking Tea During an Evening Thunderstorm that Forecasters Forgot to Predict” in FEED - Issue 1.5