The Platform Review

I’m very grateful to have not one, but two pieces in the 2021 summer solstice issue of the Platform Review. One is about a volcano and the other is about packing up memories in an old cottage perched on a Nova Scotian shore. Interesting enough, the cottage story is completely fiction, and it’s the story about the volcano that has a bit more truth buried in it.

Mt. Etna most recently erupted in February 2021, but “Overhead, the Night Sky is Stained with Light” began fifteen years ago on the island of Sicily. I was a new traveler then, still learning how far a few words in the local language could go, still learning that everything I needed could fit into a carry-on bag. Mt. Etna was a cold rainy experience. But I loved it. Some places are like that. They soak into these small spaces inside me, and every once in a while, allow themselves to be shared in a story.

Read “Overhead, the Night Sky is Stained with Light” and “Packing Up”.

Scroll down to see a few more pictures of the first volcano I ever set foot on.


Rivulets of lava rock, halted mid-boil and pebbled with debris decades ago, still cling to the mountainside like blackened fingers holding onto a few reminders of flame.

“Overhead, the Night Sky is Stained with Light” in The Platform Review.

Jenny Wongfiction, publications