Posts tagged Turkey
Favorite Corners - Istanbul

We almost didn't visit Istanbul.  Days before we were scheduled to arrive, a suicide bombing occurred on Istiklal street which was near where we were planning to stay.  After some serious discussions, we still decided to go.  The day of our flight from Chania to Athens (where we would then take a connecting flight to Istanbul), a sandstorm arrived from Africa grounding all morning flights.  And then the strong winds came.  We decided that if we missed our connecting flight to Istanbul, we would just stay in Athens.  However, the skies cleared, the winds calmed, and despite being a hour late, we managed to make our flight to Istanbul.  We are so glad we did.

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Mosques in Istanbul

After removing our shoes (complimentary plastic carrying bags can be found at the entrance), making sure our arms and legs were appropriately covered, and one headscarf for me, we were ready to tackle the sacred mosques of Istanbul.  I've put our top 3 in this blog, but there are over 3000 mosques to explore in this city. 

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Jenny WongTurkey, Istanbul
Food Fridays - Istanbul

I asked someone how to say "thank-you" in Turkish, and he taught me in a simple, beautiful way.  He said, "You can use English words to learn.  Just remember 'tea', 'sugar', 'a dream'.  Teşekkür ederim.  That lesson will stick with me for a while, not only because Turkish tea with sugar really does taste like something fit for dreams, but because that's what their food feels like to me.  Simple ingredients yielding simply magical dishes.  Enjoy.

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