Skyway Journal - Lighthouse Fiction
Sometimes, pieces sit in the proverbial drawer waiting for just the right submission call. Also, sometimes, it pays to scroll Twitter late on a Saturday night. From call to submission to acceptance to publication, my head is in a whirlwind as this all took place in a span of about 48 hours. Fastest record ever for me. The submission call said, “Send me a lighthouse keeper story.” And…I actually had a piece ready to go. This never happens. Sometimes, I’ll have something that kind of falls within the theme, but I have to rework it. This time the story was perfect. Many thanks to whatever kismet happened to be thinking about lighthouses on a Saturday night.
This was also my 100th published piece, so a bit of a a landmark occasion as well.
Read “A Warning of Incoming Tides” as part of Skyway Journal’s Lighthouse Fiction series.
The lighthouse keeper tells himself the shipwreck was not his fault.
“A Warning of Incoming Tides” - Skyway Journal, Lighthouse Fiction Series.