
How many stories can one image tell? Find out with me and three other wonderful writers.

So happy to be back working with the lovely Karen Pierce Gonzalez of FolkHeart Press, this time in Ekphrastic Folk Art, Season 2. For each issue, a selected group of writers are selected and given an image prompt, something linked to the idea of folk art.

When I was invited to participate in this issue, I did not know what image we would be given, but I knew it was going to be a fantastic project to be a part of. Very honored to have my words up alongside Donna Faulkner, Karin Hedetniemi, and Sylvia Santiago.

Read “Stitchings” in Folkheart Press’ Ekphrastic Folk Art, Season 2 series.

Image credit: Karen Pierce Gonzalez, FolkHeart Press.

Jenny Wongpoetry, publications